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AI Cayucos 2020-23 Closed Sales

AI Cayucos 2020-23

As of December 2023, Cayucos real estate market is still very low on inventory.  Prices remain strong. A review of the past four years’ closed sales prices and closed sales are listed in the chart and graph below.

Cayucos : Past 4 Years’ Closed Median Sales Prices & Sales Trends
Year Median Sale Price Difference % Difference Sales Difference % Difference
2020 $962,500.00 62
2021 $1,304,110.00 $341,610.00 35.5% 67 5 8.1%
2022 $1,425,875.00 $121,765.00 9.3% 50 -17 -25.4%
2023 $1,496,000.00 $70,125.00 4.9% 38 -12 -24.0%

AI Cayucos 2020-23

The trend shows a slowing down and dip in price gains. The highest price appreciation was in 2021 with an approximately 35.5% jump over 2020 closed median sales prices.

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